Saturday, August 22, 2015


      This past week, after eating out with friends, I reflected on how life can be unfair sometimes! For some of us, we can be grateful that through inheritance and a lifetime of hard work we accumulate enough wealth to live comfortably during our "golden years."

      But, one aspect that for some doesn't work out as planned is when it comes to eating all the great food that is available. First, for most seniors, we reach a point where we simply cannot eat as much as we used to. We attended a family picnic recently and there was more good food there that would have made those starving kids in China thrilled. I really wanted to eat most "all" of it that was laid out but, just couldn't!

      Then, secondly, there are those who could eat at a fancy restaurant every night of the week, but, are continuously watching their waistline and are only ordering the likes of salads! What's the purpose! If you can't go through these last "good" years without a little ice-cream along the way then-----!

      Third, Sometimes our health turns against us and even if we have the money to eat lobster and the biggest steak money can buy we don't dare! I guess it all boils down to moderation and smelling the roses along the way. 

     I know that I need to take better care of my health better. But, as long as I don't get too carried away and if I leave the planet sooner than expected I am OK. Tonight maybe a small bowl of  Blue Bunny chocolate chip ice-cream just in case!

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