Thursday, August 13, 2015


      In the Des Moines Register this past week in the USA Snapshots was something that was a reminder from the past. The bit had to do with items that people most often leave on top of the car. Example would be coffee, shopping bags, and/or car keys.

      Years ago when just out of college, my family was headed to Omaha for the week-end to visit friends. While loading the car, I left a pair of dress shoes on top of the car and away we went. 

     In those days, 1960's, you dressed up to go out to eat. I made do with a pair of casual penny loafers and kept my feet hidden under the table at the restaurant.  Today one would go casual no matter where you dined. Well, almost! When we arrived home my shoes were returned by our postman who found them out front of our complex. Today they probably would have been long gone!

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