Tuesday, November 4, 2014


     You would think we were Dutch and getting our house ready for the Tulip Festival Tour just like in Pella, Iowa. The Germans must have been just as bad. My mother, with her German heritage,  it  seemed like she never could relax. If there was nothing else to do then maybe it was time to CLEAN something.
In the Fall and generally in the Spring, it was the attic and the basement's turn to sparkle along with the windows and grove.

     We would go up to Laurel and buy this red sweeping compound from the Lumber Yard. We bought a lot of it. I bet no one in three counties bought as much of that oily based stuff than my mother. Remember most basements back then were just dirt floors. Not ours. Concrete all the way. And, the attic was as big because our house was big. You could see Newton from up there, easily at night twenty miles away.  I could almost spy on my relatives who lived just one mile away to the west. Plus, there was a small attic on top of the main attic. What was someone thinking. It was almost like the "widow's peaks" you see on homes along the eastern seaboard. I don't know why, but, I never really remember getting up there. It would have taken a large step ladder. I don't think that little attic ever did get cleaned! 

-------stay tuned for more interesting stories about "The Adventures of Dennis' House, Its Parts & More!"

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