Sunday, November 2, 2014


     It seems like every evening before game day and before heading to Iowa City, I always start my doubting routine and the what if's. On November 1, 2014, Clayton Thurm and I would be heading to Kinnick to hopefully watch the Hawkeyes defeat the Wildcats of Northwestern.

     It's just in my nature I guess to worry about the weather, where our seats  might be and above all would the Hawks win? This day it didn't pay me to do all that worrying. No Sir!

     The night before, the weather took a nose-dive and the temperature  hit in the 20's with gusty winds. But, the morning of the big game, the sun was out in full glory, with blue skies, and very little wind.  Other words, a perfect football Saturday in the 40's. 

     I picked up Clayton at his home around 8:15 a.m. and had to roust him awake due to a late night sleep over friend-Drew Cook. After picking up some of our favorite pastries at the grocery store, we headed east down I-80. The traffic was moving along smoothly and we arrived in our parking area west of I-Hop and where we would board the "Hawkeye Express" for the ten minute ride to the southwest edge of Kinnick.

     Upon arrival and up the stairs from the train, we headed north along the west side of Kinnick, to watch the Hawkeye Marching Band warm up inside the practice facility just northwest of the stadium. Listening to this 200 plus energetic bunch could only get you pumped for what was ahead. 

     It was close to 10 a.m. and time for Dennis to go to work and do what he enjoys most-finding those tickets. As, we headed back south towards Melrose and just about half-way down the west side of Kinnick, a gentleman approached us after seeing my small card-board sign that read "need 2." He was a small slight little man with small tortoise shell glasses and looked like a book  publisher or at least on the studious side. He indicated he had two tickets on the east side, 20 rows up and right on the "FIFTY YARD LINE."  I couldn't get the money out of my wallet fast enough.

     From there, we headed to the food vendors along Melrose Avenue and oh did we enjoy our pre-game lunch, knowing where we would be sitting. We couldn't get to our seats fast enough. Before the game started and after team came out, we witnessed one of the coolest things that I have ever see, in my many years at Kinnick. All the fans participated in a patriotic tribute , complete with a huge waving flag on the field along with a card display held individually by the fans. It was in red, white, and blue-"Tribute to America" while playing and the singing of  God Bless America and the National Anthem. 

     Needless to say, the Hawks won 48- to 7!! This day they had it all together. The whole team. The score at the end of the first quarter was 24-7. This , for me was like the old days under Hayden Fry, when many games were high scoring and the outcome was never in doubt. Even with an unexpected "flea flicker" early in the game.

     Clayton watched the game with intensity and especially focused and cheered when the defensive line would sack the Wildcat quarterback. I asked him an unfair question before the game. " Where do you want to go to college?" No hesitation! IOWA, he replied. And, to be a starting defensive lineman. I think he will. And, I'll be there cheering him on. Hopefully right there on that fifty yard line.

**** It should be noted that his younger brother, Kyler, and younger sister, Jenna have accompanied me to Iowa Hawkeye games previously. On those occasions, we were able to "scalp" tickets on the fifty yard line. What are the odds. We must have a guardian angel there at Kinnick!


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