Friday, November 21, 2014


     After an early morning appointment in Marshalltown, I found myself ready to head to  Grinnell and visit with my sister, Doris, at the St. Francis Manor. It was a little after 10:am and I just could not resist the temptation.

     All of a sudden, I found myself in Taylor's parking lot, the only car. I walked in and it was just me and three employees behind the counter. Oh, If you count the young guy, assume a sales guy, sitting down in the southeast corner with a small computer on the counter in front of him, it made two of us. 

     I never in my lifetime, that I can recall, been in there that early. But, how could I be in Marshalltown and not enjoy one with everything(no not ketchup.) Also, another first was ordering a butterscotch malt. What was happening!. One decision I made was that I probably would not order that flavor of malt again. Best stick to my usual array of Chocolate, Vanilla, or Strawberry with that extra shot of Malt.
     I think I like it better at lunch time when the place is buzzing!

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