Saturday, November 22, 2014


     For years,  no decades, I used to hear from my mom about  the Depression of the 1930's and  on occasion how bad the year 1936 was. Listening to her go on how bad the weather was you would think there was not another like it.

     The winters were colder, the snow deeper, the droughts were worse and on and on. One thing I did  catch her on, however,  was the telephone and light poles weren't as tall as they are now, so of course, the snow was almost to the top of them.

     One year, while attending an estate sale in Marshalltown, I had the opportunity to purchase an old 1936 license plate. I took it down to my mom and stepdad's in Melbourne and gave it to them. Jokingly, I said that they could sit it on their fireplace mantel and then when someone asked about it they could go right in to telling about the "Bad Year of 1936." 

     As it turned out, somewhere along the way, I acquired a copy or replica of a newspaper from 1936 with  headlines and articles about the weather conditions of that year. They were right. It was REALLY BAD!

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