Wednesday, November 5, 2014


     Life-time friend and Laurel School classmate, Tony Preston called this past week to inquire about the progress of my sister, Doris Eddy. Tony lives in Prescott,  Arizona and it is always a pleasure to visit with Tony from time to time about not only the past, but, all the many happenings in our lives.

     Tony, through-out his life has been very active especially in various sporting activities. The other day while visiting, he mentioned matter-of-factly that he injured his hip while attempting to throw out  a base runner going to first base in a softball tournament in Las Vegas, Nevada. Tony was playing second base and the opposing player running to second base ran into him as Tony was throwing the ball to first. He wasn't sure how long he might not be able to play with his injury.

     After I was done chuckling, I inquired what the average age of most of the players he was playing with. He mentioned that his league is mostly 64-69 age range, but, five or so are actually 70 years old and should be playing in the 70-75 year old group. He mentioned that in California, especially, he knows of a league with 80-85 year olds.

     Keep going Tony. You are an inspiration to us all!!

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