Wednesday, November 12, 2014


     One of the most colorful people, I recall as a youngster on the farm. was a hired man named Carl Fehrmann or as most everyone called him-Heinie. He worked off and on for the family in various farm related jobs.

     He was a rather large man with also a large "beer belly" with pants usually falling below them and usually with a cigar stuck in one side of his mouth. But, always gentle, polite, and shy like.member

     On one occasion, I  remember him coming up to the house for a drink of water. My mother came out with my youngest sister, Deborah, when she was just a baby. He mentioned to my mother that he thought Deborah was such a beautiful baby, but,  apologetically said "of course, of course," he didn't mean anything by it. He was so shy that even saying something complimentary he felt was maybe out of line. I always remember him saying "of course, of course." Funny the things we remember.

     After going through old cancelled checks that my mother had saved, there were several made out to him for $17.50. I am assuming these were probably for a  weeks wages at the time. 

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