Thursday, November 27, 2014


      This Thanksgiving may go down as one of the coldest in Iowa ever recorded so they say. At a time like this, I like to take myself somewhere where my thoughts and memories are one of warmth and pleasant times.  would like to tell you about one of them.

     It was the early 1980's and qualifying for a trip to Hawaii  during my years of selling real estate. I never had been to Hawaii, but, if there ever was an incentive to do well and qualify by going to paradise, it did the trick for me.

The plane ride was straight through from Chicago to Honolulu. Part of the price you paid getting to paradise was that non-stop eight hour flight to get there. The second plane of agents that I was part of missed some of the first night festivities  due to our late arrival.

     The one thing I will never forget and seeing for the first time at night was the ocean waves lapping at the beach from our hotel balcony. That was one of those beautiful sites that I had never witnessed. Our hotel, The Surfrider, was right on the beach and smack dab in the middle of Waikiki Beach. Probably THE most famous stretch of beach in the world. It was just down the elevator from the hotel and bingo you were on the beach and all the action.

     Most people  would say they prefer some of the more less inhabited Islands and not all that commercialization of  Waikiki. But, it was my first time in  Hawaii and "happy just to be there!" But, to this day and after walking many very peaceful and sometimes desolate beaches, I still love that Beach and I am going to tell you why.

      Waikiki Beach was like a cross between 42nd & Broadway in New York City and a circus. I'll never forget seeing this elderly lady standing on the beach in a two-piece swimsuit with brown leather wrinkled skin and those green palm tree lined sun glasses. Up the beach were young people building huge, elaborate sand castles and other grand designs. Also, native Hawaiian guys standing by their out-riggers ready to take you out beyond the breakers. 

     Looking south a distance, Diamond Head in all its majesty. Our hotel beach property had a small bar where you sit, enjoy a fruity drink, and take in the view. And, lots and lots of sun worshipers all lotioned down  all in a row. To me, of all the beaches at the time, this was where it was happening. 

--------to be continued!

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