Sunday, November 16, 2014


      Most everybody that can remember that year to start with will know where and what they were up to on that important date in history (November 22, 1963.) If you don't because you were very very young or not born yet  you can stop reading!!

     In case you have forgotten, it was when John F. Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas. I was sitting in my 1963 Chevy with wipers going during a light rain. I was listening to the news report in disbelief, waiting to go into the Armory on Summit Street for one of my classes while attending Marshalltown Junior College now called MCC.

     Also, in 1964, I saw Lyndon Johnson only from a distance in a motorcade while he was campaigning in Des Moines, Iowa. One observation from a distance was his big ears. Another thing I will never forget about Johnson was how much stress the Vietnam War had on him physically. His hair went from dark to silver or grey fairly quickly.

     One more presidential observation, Bobby Kennedy was campaigning for the Presidency during the Democratic primary in Des Moines and spoke outside Vet's Auditorium. At the time, I was working at Allied Mutual Insurance Company and could simply walk across the street to watch him. Some things that I remember about him was his New England accent, how short he was, and that on such a warm day he had a long sleeved shirt on. He was later shot and killed in Los Angeles , June of 1968.

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