Friday, November 7, 2014


     This past week at the Burg Grocery, a lady stopped me in one of the isles and asked if we had any liquid corn starch!  Huh! I knew our little grocery store didn't have that item, and besides how tough can it be to mix a little water with regular corn starch to thicken something.

     Earlier in the day, I had to pick up our grandson from the rec center after his therapy workout. While waiting for him, I picked up the Martha Stewart magazine to read. I am a sucker for new things to try in the old kitchen.

     I never learn. When you have to buy shallots from a certain provence in northwestern Italy in the Corleone Valley region in the shadow of the Alps, then you are WAY over your head in cooking skills. ( I just made up the stuff about Italy so don't contact me about any errors in geography.) I will be sticking to using plain old green onions, though! 

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