Sunday, November 23, 2014


      MY uncle Bill, actually great uncle, was my Grandma Smith's brother. As I remember, he was an interesting little guy. Always seemed happy, walked slightly bent over and had this constant little whistle. His nickname was Pee Wee. I never cared for that nickname or nicknames in general. Another story.

     When I was a kid, he was living in Newton above a restaurant and tavern called Washer City Café. It was downtown and across from the Maytag plant that was bought out by Whirlpool in 2006.

     He lived in a small single room with only a screen door leading to a hallway. I'm sure there had to have been a regular door to his room, but, only remember that screen door. He had only a single bed or cot with only a hot plate to prepare food. Extremely sad and depressing for a person to live like that, especially with a drinking problem and then living above a tavern. I only remember that room being very dark and extremely warm.  The hallway was narrow and dimly lite.  

     During the summer, on occasion, he would come up and stay with us and I'm sure it was a way for my mom to help him stay sober for a period of time. He would also work for the family around the farm during his stay. Sad.

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