Thursday, November 13, 2014


      Colored dishes. An odd legacy.  Well, not just any colored dishes-Fiesta, those depression era patterns from Homer Laughlin Company.

     If were to ask cousins, nieces, nephews, or grandchildren one thing they remembered about Aunt May or Grandma Korte, it would be Fiesta. Don't get me wrong, she will always be remembered for the loving and caring person she was, but, when it came to that something-Fiesta.

     She bought her first set when she and my dad were first married in the early 1930's and used it daily from then on. She did have her good china for the Holidays, but, it didn't create the interesting conversations like Fiesta.

     Even after my mother passed away in 2003, yours truly, both my sisters, and other family members continue that tradition by using the New Fiesta(post 1980's collection) on a continuing basis. 

      Even when grand-daughters stay with me and sometimes argue about what ( No, I want the red plate)combinations to use for a particular meal, it made that time  just a little more special!

     The legacy continues and lives on. Thank you, Mom!


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