Sunday, November 16, 2014


     When I graduated in 1962, I cut out and saved a list published by the Des Moines Register in the OVER THE COFFEE column put out by Harlan Miller.


     Wrapped in a $100 bill, these "secrets of Success" make a graduation gift at which few of 1962's high school or college grads will turn up a nose. I offer them mercifully in lieu of a lot of grad speeches I've dodged.
***********************for success hidden from you.
    1.  Keep a diary to watch yourself mature. 
    2. Remember: Good posture excels fancy clothes.
    3. Treat Dad & Mom as friends only a little older; listen to them! Pay attention. They're on your side.
    4. Save a little; $1,000 makes you freer.
    5. Read papers & magazines; editorials, articles, fiction.
    6. Adopt 4 indoor and outdoor hobbies.
    7. Be polite to all; to the rude, even if it hurts.
    8. Act as the equal of any man or woman alive.
    9. Play a musical instrument, if only a phonograph.
    10. To make the world listen, speak softly, enunciate clearly.
    11. Nobody else owns mystic secrets.
    12. Be extra polite driving a car, when your Ugly Monster inside tries to roar.
    13. Why drink liquor unless a doctor prescribes it.
    14. Cigarette money can pay your premiums on a $9,000 insurance policy.
    15. Don't shun an hour alone; a chance to think.
    16. Write down your own plans and rules.
    17. A good book intelligence surpass good looks or cl& weekly invigorates your brain.
    18. Begin to buy land young, or a suburban lot.
    19. Study dictionary & encyclopedia; full of gems.
    20. There 's no organized opposition. -------------to be continued


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