Tuesday, November 18, 2014


     Like most youngsters, it didn't take me long to catch on that in the early T. V. shows, cowboys were shooting way beyond the capabilities of their SIX shooter! And, with all that lead flying,  many times no one got hit and when the guy was hit or died where was the blood?

    Along that line,  those fight scenes were hokey! I could always tell that those fists never really came close to hitting the other guy.  And, why didn't they ever get their hat's knocked off. Come on!

     When your favorite Western Hero was chasing Black Bart on horse back, and finally catches up, he, of course, jumps from his horse and jumps on the bad guy. After landing on the ground, isn't it a miracle that not one of them got  up rubbing his behind after that nasty fall always down a hill with lots of rolling. And yes, their hats still intact!

     My favorite, while watching these old westerns, was as the group of horse ridden cowboys were coming at you down the trail you could see tire tracks appearing ahead of the riders. I could always imagine this pick-up ahead of these riders and a guy in the back of the pick-up while  cranking away at the movie camera. I know! I am not quite right!

     Oh Ya! During those fight scenes in the saloon, have you ever seen so much furniture broken over people's heads and so easily shattered. Every once in awhile you would notice a microphone peaking out from above that someone forgot to crop out. One last thing, How did your favorite cowboy keep looking so clean shaven, and  clothes always immaculate, while wandering around the wild west for weeks on end! I wonder when men's cologne was invented?

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