Saturday, November 4, 2017


        Yesterday, while in Marshalltown, I stopped into a local fast food joint to pick up some lunch for my sister Doris and I.  While I waited for my number to come up on my take-out, I witnessed a very touching and heartwarming encounter. 

        This fellow was ahead of me and standing near the counter patiently waiting for his turn. When he received his tray of food he went over to his wife and a nearby table. She was also patiently waiting and sitting there in a wheelchair. 

      He sat down and carefully and slowly opened a wrapper of a sandwich, placed a napkin on his wife's front area, and gently fed to her the first bite. Then, again, patiently waited for her to chew her food before giving her another bite. 

         It was touching to me, at least so it appeared, that there was such love, caring and patience on her husband's behalf and she was not visibly irritated or annoyed by any of his actions. It made me somewhat sad, but, it was so heartwarming to witness such love and devotion!   

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