Thursday, November 9, 2017


        Today I went to the grocery store and stocked up on my usual 10 to a two week food provisions. Something I hadn't done for a long time is a game I play while checking out. First, I count the items purchased and the multiply it by $2.00. 

         I used to do this when I was way younger and would multiply the items by $1.00. It seems like by just averaging all the items, I could simply calculate how much my bill would be. And, believe it or not I would usually be within a couple of dollars.

         I mentioned to the check out lady what I was doing and I'm sure she thought I was Nuts. Sure enough! I had 23 items and multiplied it by the number $2.00.  Lo and Behold the total came out to $46.62. I had said before she totaled it up that my "scientific" guess would be $45.00. I think I made a believer out of her! Try it sometime!

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