Monday, November 13, 2017


       This past week-end, I drove to Coralville, Iowa and took in my morning discounted movie. I had looked forward to my selection--"Murder on the Orient Express." I was somewhat disappointed, but, what else is new! It won't stop me and I'm sure as the Holiday's get closer the selection hopefully will become better.    
        I mis-read the start time and arrived about 45 minutes early. One usual observation was watching people buying the "JUMBO" of mostly pop and pop-corn. The real deal on pop was a 44 ounce size for $7.50 with a re-fill.Profit! Profit!  Another jumbo treat for the movie fans was the huge tub of popcorn for only $8.50!

        I think I figured it out that for that money, concerning the pop-corn, I could buy my usual bagged 32 oz. yellow kernel for under $2.00 a bag, and enjoy a large bowl three times a week every evening for better than a month! I became disciplined from the get go on my morning movie, to never buy anything at the concession stand. Zip! The key is to eat a descent breakfast and look forward to a good Sunday dinner later on.  To steal a famous movie line---"I don't need no stinkin popcorn!" 

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