Monday, November 27, 2017


     I jusst read in the USA snapshot that 42% of Americans have nightmares about falling. Most of mine have not been of the "Nightmare" category, but, more of the weird or strange type! Years ago, I had concurring dreams about literally flying low over a hilly terrain and along an ocean coastline. I never fell, but, had a feeling of being afraid that I might fly on into the ocean and who knows to where?

       The dream a few nights ago was about running into the cast of "Seinfeld" sitting somewhere, I presume in Colorado. They were all sitting in some wood bleachers and I went over to Kramer and asked him if he would like to join me for some down hill skiing. He agreed!

       Somehow I found and used this old wide wood wide pair of skis and down this small hill we went. Al of sudden it got dark and I couldn't see where I was headed. All of a sudden we landed in a stream or river with really warm water that normally would be extremely cold. 

         We just started aimlessly floating down this stream in the dark and having no idea where it was taking us or how to get back to where we started. I even remember seeing the mountains ahead before it got dark and for the Rockies didn't seem all that tall. All that didn't matter as I soon woke up. It was probably a good thing we didn't go over a waterfall or worse!



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