Saturday, November 25, 2017


        One little job I was motivated to do before my sister, Deborah arrives for a week-end visit was to clean out under my kitchen sink. It is always amazing how many cleaning products we accumulate over time. 

        There were half bottles of the same products, and products that virtually do the same thing. Then there was bottle of spot remover, Magic Eraser, De Solvit, and some kind of grease cleaner. I couldn't tell you the last time I used any of these products-maybe in the late 1990's!

          What was left were bottles of things that I will use daily, weekly, and hopefully at least annually. I am sure I could eliminate some of what I kept, but, we'll see how it goes. 

         Years ago, I read an article by some so called "guru" on cleaning and said if you only had one product for cleaning it would DAWN! I somewhat agree with that as that is all I use when cleaning windows, at least professionally. And, for every day on mirrors and other glass surfaces around the house the choice is "Sparkle." It is the best--and not most everyone's standby Windex. It streaks. 

          At least for a time, my under sink stuff looks good in a nice open plastic container. Hopefully, if I buy any more, I will get rid of existing products. Next project, possibly soon, is that shelf of car cleaning and related products on that shelf in my garage!   

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