Monday, November 27, 2017


-------The chase was on. We, I, turned that Chevy around and headed back toward town(Laurel.)  Those car headlights were coming up fast behind us. Straight through town and heading south to the Jasper County line. Then it was past my Grandpa's old place and a sharp left and  then that mile east from highway 14 and another left and north up toward and quickly fast with gravel dust flying past "The Big House" my old home stand.

      Still heading north and with lights off and like that would help with a tail of dust. We weren't losing him,obviously! The mile east of Laurel, we turned back left and back into town. Once in town, we pulled up into an old grain elevator located at the time west of Main Street. Engine off. Lights off. No one was breathing. I'm not sure how long we waited. It seemed like forever. Eventually, we felt he must have left town. We were safe and were to live another day.

      The next morning I came back into town(scene of the crime) were my best friend, Rick Patterson, was at his dad's body shop. My car was parked across the street at my brother-in-law's, Clyde Eddy, service station that he owned and operated at the time just west facing highway 14 and Main Street.

      The guy was back and across the street talking to my brother-in law and was asking who owned the "Salmon Color" Chevy! Why did he want to know. Thank God Clyde was a big man and probably knew the guy and got him to leave. That guy turned out to be a deputy sheriff from Jasper County and was just driving through the night before with his wife and a child. Another case of my guardian angel here on earth by the name of Clyde!  

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