Wednesday, November 8, 2017


    Don't get me wrong about Fall. It is my favorite time of year bar none. Football, the colors, and  the crisp sunny days. One thing I don't like about Fall has always been when in the early morning or late afternoon is being blinded by that sun if your driving into it.

        But, I just discovered one minor thing, especially after setting our clocks back. I have windows to the west and when that sun is streaming in the late afternoon I can easily see places on some of my furniture pieces that I missed with the dusting rag. 

          My hard wood floors don't seem quite as clean as I thought they were along with smudges on my antique copper top coffee table. I normally just try to ignore it and wait till evening, which comes earlier, and just enjoy the cozy magic with the help of strategic lighting. Maybe I just need to pull those blinds by noon! 

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