Monday, November 27, 2017


       Somebody had to come up with a lantern with a red flashing light on top. In the hands of young teenage boys. with time on their hands on a week-end evening was a dangerous thing. This group didn't know how dangerous. 

      There were four or five of us and it was decided to pull up behind cars going through town and pretend that we were the local cop with the red light flashing. And, as soon as they pulled over at the first cross road corner north of Laurel on Highway 14, we would all laugh and head back to town and do it all over again. It worked a couple of times and then--!

        Somehow the third car stopped. Somebody was getting out and walking over to my 57' Chevy. I was the patsy with the wheels and the one this angry looking guy walking in front of his headlights was walking straight for me! Lucky for me that classmate, Jerry Roberts, who was sitting in the back seat right behind me, thought quickly, reached up and hit the lock button on my door. The guy's hand hit the outside door handle. He was too late. 

       The chase was on--------------to be continued!

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