Friday, November 10, 2017


      Telling my own story about low sun in the fall showing places missed with my dusting duties, reminded me of a funny story about my mom and the mirror. Anyone that knew my mom knew how fastidious she was at cleaning. 

    Anyway, years ago she had a dresser and mirror in the master bedroom. And, this time of year when the sun was very low and streaming in the bedroom it would shine directly on this mirror late in the afternoon.

       With the direct sun, the mirror always looked pretty bad. Mom tried all kinds of ways to clean it as she thought it was just streaked and smudged from not cleaning it properly. She tried all kinds of concoctions including vinegar and ammonia, etc. 

      I tried to convince her that it wasn't her cleaning, but, that the mirror being so old had become "defective" with time and the sun just pointed it out. I was never sure that I convinced her of that fact, but, at her expense was a cute story I will always treasure! 

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