Tuesday, November 14, 2017


        During Halloween time, I enjoyed a few old scary movies including "Halloween" starring Jamie Lee Curtis when she was still a teenager and of course the "monster character" Michael along with seeing a lot of other monsters like Jason or Freddie Krueger.

         It got me thinking about all the monsters that lurked all around me when I was a kid. I have written about how scary the basement was when growing up including our upstairs and attic. For some reason my "monsters" never really had a face. 

           They never were creepy and scraggly old men or some kind or vicious animals or even an alien from outer space. They never had a face. I just knew they were out there and maybe it was a good thing I never did encounter one! Maybe it was always like a dream--As long as you always wake up! 

           P.S. Like some kids, I never worried about a monster hanging out under my bed. My bed spread never hung down very far and I could always see under there most of the time!

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