Wednesday, November 29, 2017

VACATIONS by AUTO--1950/60's

       It's summer in the 1950's. Normal summer--a little warm and steamy. We're getting ready to head across Nebraska or Kan for what seemed like a long way for a kid. But, it'll be worth it as we're headed to Colorado!

      Heading out in the late 1940's and 50's was a lot different than today with the four lane interstates, signs for lodging, gas stations, and other attractions, plus rest stops for bathroom breaks and refreshments. In most cases way back then, were just 2 lane State or Federal highways that went right through towns and cities slowing down travel immensely. 

       Since my mother had somewhat a "lead" foot, there would be this constant eb/flow of getting behind a vehicle or truck and waiting until you could pass safely. This would go on for most of the trip and by the end of the day stressing everyone in the car in some way. 

      Second, at least with all this driving stress at least our car had an automatic transmission. The down-side was no air-conditioning. My mom always had her window down with her left arm leaning out eventually sunburned. It always seemed funny to just see her left arm sunburned! All that slow/fast and hot air blowing around would wear all of us out by day's end.

--------------------to be continued. 


Tuesday, November 28, 2017


        Recently, I was looking for a brush attachment to my small utility vacuum for a little cleaning on something in the house. I thought I knew exactly where I kept it along with crevice tool that 
accompanies it. 

        Of course it wasn't there. I looked it different places for a time, but finally gave up as I knew it would show up somewhere--sometime. It did. This morning while getting in to a little kit that I keep in the trunk of my car there it was. 

        I do have a"junk'drawer" in the house that all kinds of things are kept. I thought maybe I need to get a huge tot and keep it in the middle of my kitchen or LR and just dump all those items that you always want to keep track of. It seems like sometimes I try to out wit myself and get to clever about "stashing" stuff. I guess looking for stuff gives me something else to occupy my time!


      Again, all this recent nonsense about political correctness and other related nonsense, reminds me of a reference I started years ago with a good friend and old classmate, Jerry Roberts. For some reason years ago, I started addressing him by saying Hey Cisco when calling him and he would answer by saying- Hey Poncho!

        I was not doing it as a slur to Mexicans or Hispanics in any way. It was just a silly way addressing my greeting to a dear friend. And, maybe just as important, one of my all-time favorite western cowboys was Cisco and Poncho. I loved those guys just as much as Hopalong Cassidy and even more than Roy Rogers or Gene Autrey!


        All this falderol about racism and all the other ism's reminds me of one ethnic reminder that used to raise my ire a bit. It would happen around St. Patrick's Day when they would be doing a lot of advertising on certain local bars to attend that day. 

        First of all, they make it sound like the only thing that is important that day is DRINKING!
Then, they would always have this voice come on that had this over-stated Irish brogue. Like all Irish people speak with this high pitched sing song accent. But, on the day after St. Pat's Day I got over it!  


      My dad's 16 gauge pump "Remington" shotgun with case was left to me after he passed away. Unfortunately, in the early 1990's it was stolen while in a storage facility. Despite that fact, I was never a hunter, it broke my heart that it was lost. Most family treasures I still possess, but, the fact remains that it was one of the very few things left by him. 

        The realization that I was not a hunter came to me while in college during the mid 1960's. During pheasant hunting season, I came up from Des Moines with a fellow student at Drake to the farm I grew up on and at the time was where my sister, Doris, and brother-in-law, Clyde, lived.

       The guy that I brought up with me was from Chicago and had a new shot-gun that his dad had purchased for him. I'm not sure he ever hunted before as he was always waving his gun around and so it seemed pointing it at me. When we crossed a fence there was that barrel starring at me.

         When the day was over, I knew I would never hunt again--at least pheasants. First, the thought of being shot by a fellow hunter while hunting something I wouldn't eat anyway, and stomping through and over corn stalks on a very cold day just didn't appeal to me. And finally, I was not a very good shot. To sum it up, give me a juicy Butter Ball anytime! I never did hunt again. 

Monday, November 27, 2017


     Another catch phrase or word that I almost forgot about has been "Tribalism." It's obviously been used lately in Politics and a used a lot by Commentators, especially, on Cable news like CNN and MSNBC. 

         When I was younger all I remember hearing about was just the word Tribe and I'm pretty sure never the word "Tribalism." Or, maybe I just wasn't paying attention until lately? 


-------The chase was on. We, I, turned that Chevy around and headed back toward town(Laurel.)  Those car headlights were coming up fast behind us. Straight through town and heading south to the Jasper County line. Then it was past my Grandpa's old place and a sharp left and  then that mile east from highway 14 and another left and north up toward and quickly fast with gravel dust flying past "The Big House" my old home stand.

      Still heading north and with lights off and like that would help with a tail of dust. We weren't losing him,obviously! The mile east of Laurel, we turned back left and back into town. Once in town, we pulled up into an old grain elevator located at the time west of Main Street. Engine off. Lights off. No one was breathing. I'm not sure how long we waited. It seemed like forever. Eventually, we felt he must have left town. We were safe and were to live another day.

      The next morning I came back into town(scene of the crime) were my best friend, Rick Patterson, was at his dad's body shop. My car was parked across the street at my brother-in-law's, Clyde Eddy, service station that he owned and operated at the time just west facing highway 14 and Main Street.

      The guy was back and across the street talking to my brother-in law and was asking who owned the "Salmon Color" Chevy! Why did he want to know. Thank God Clyde was a big man and probably knew the guy and got him to leave. That guy turned out to be a deputy sheriff from Jasper County and was just driving through the night before with his wife and a child. Another case of my guardian angel here on earth by the name of Clyde!  


       Somebody had to come up with a lantern with a red flashing light on top. In the hands of young teenage boys. with time on their hands on a week-end evening was a dangerous thing. This group didn't know how dangerous. 

      There were four or five of us and it was decided to pull up behind cars going through town and pretend that we were the local cop with the red light flashing. And, as soon as they pulled over at the first cross road corner north of Laurel on Highway 14, we would all laugh and head back to town and do it all over again. It worked a couple of times and then--!

        Somehow the third car stopped. Somebody was getting out and walking over to my 57' Chevy. I was the patsy with the wheels and the one this angry looking guy walking in front of his headlights was walking straight for me! Lucky for me that classmate, Jerry Roberts, who was sitting in the back seat right behind me, thought quickly, reached up and hit the lock button on my door. The guy's hand hit the outside door handle. He was too late. 

       The chase was on--------------to be continued!


     I jusst read in the USA snapshot that 42% of Americans have nightmares about falling. Most of mine have not been of the "Nightmare" category, but, more of the weird or strange type! Years ago, I had concurring dreams about literally flying low over a hilly terrain and along an ocean coastline. I never fell, but, had a feeling of being afraid that I might fly on into the ocean and who knows to where?

       The dream a few nights ago was about running into the cast of "Seinfeld" sitting somewhere, I presume in Colorado. They were all sitting in some wood bleachers and I went over to Kramer and asked him if he would like to join me for some down hill skiing. He agreed!

       Somehow I found and used this old wide wood wide pair of skis and down this small hill we went. Al of sudden it got dark and I couldn't see where I was headed. All of a sudden we landed in a stream or river with really warm water that normally would be extremely cold. 

         We just started aimlessly floating down this stream in the dark and having no idea where it was taking us or how to get back to where we started. I even remember seeing the mountains ahead before it got dark and for the Rockies didn't seem all that tall. All that didn't matter as I soon woke up. It was probably a good thing we didn't go over a waterfall or worse!



Saturday, November 25, 2017


       I have never been a real skeptic on most things, but, never have believed in the super natural, fortune tellers, karma, and all that jazz. However, one thing happened to me yesterday that has changed my mind slightly.

         I have been thinking lately, I wish I had one more big window cleaning job before winter really sets in to make "Christmas' a little better. Keep in mind all my advertising has ceased for the season and most of my regulars have been completed.

        Out of nowhere, a call came in from a lady about 50 miles north of here. She inquired if I was the person who cleans windows. I was afraid to ask how she got my name. But, the home is big and is just what I had in mind before the snow flies. Maybe I do have a Guardian Angel! Do-Do-Do-Do!


        There is this TV ad that is run over and over by AARP. It's this lady walking through this beautiful forest and announces that she is only in her 60's and she has this "long life ahead of her!"

        I would give anything to see just after she says that statement a dear runs up to her and knocks her into next year. Having a bear rip her apart would be too much!



        One little job I was motivated to do before my sister, Deborah arrives for a week-end visit was to clean out under my kitchen sink. It is always amazing how many cleaning products we accumulate over time. 

        There were half bottles of the same products, and products that virtually do the same thing. Then there was bottle of spot remover, Magic Eraser, De Solvit, and some kind of grease cleaner. I couldn't tell you the last time I used any of these products-maybe in the late 1990's!

          What was left were bottles of things that I will use daily, weekly, and hopefully at least annually. I am sure I could eliminate some of what I kept, but, we'll see how it goes. 

         Years ago, I read an article by some so called "guru" on cleaning and said if you only had one product for cleaning it would DAWN! I somewhat agree with that as that is all I use when cleaning windows, at least professionally. And, for every day on mirrors and other glass surfaces around the house the choice is "Sparkle." It is the best--and not most everyone's standby Windex. It streaks. 

          At least for a time, my under sink stuff looks good in a nice open plastic container. Hopefully, if I buy any more, I will get rid of existing products. Next project, possibly soon, is that shelf of car cleaning and related products on that shelf in my garage!   

Thursday, November 23, 2017


    Spending a quiet Thanksgiving to home, I have weaved throughout the day a marathon of my favorite comedy team --The Three Stooges on  the IFC cable network. 

       I do have the entire set of Stooge Shorts starting in the 1930's up through the early `1950's. But, believe it or not some of the ones I have been watching today I have never seen. Besides, during commercials, I have been able to watch a little Pro-Football and parts of the original Godfather movie! 



        This past Monday I attended the luncheon for Carlton Schnothorst after his funeral on 11/20/2017. Carlton was an upper-classman of mine at Laurel Consolidated School. The luncheon was held at the United Methodist Church in the Fellowship Hall in Laurel, Iowa. 

          In addition to Calton's wife, Sharon, and Bill the youngest brother, I visited for a short time with Carlton's other brother Loren a couple of years ahead of me in high school .Of course, I had to share a fond memory that I remembered involving Loren.

          On a particular night when in high-school ,Loren, myself, and two or three other class-mates decided to drive to Baxter which is 15 miles away or so. Baxter was a big football rival at the time and I do not recall what our logic was in driving there. Mischief? 

          Keep in mind that we took Loren's 1949 Hudson Hornet which resembled an upside down bathtub. He also had it painted with a layer of grey primer, lowered, chopped and a metal plaque hung off the back bumper with the words"Road Saints" on it. That was a local car club which was popular across the USA at the time.

             This car was in a way "uncool" by its make and style, but, yet was cool because it was so unpopular compared to other autos of the time. Plus, I always thought it was pure genius to leave it just primed so after washing you didn't have to worry about wiping down and streaking.

        A car load of guys in Baxter spotted us and began chasing us. The race was on. We were chased all the way back to Laurel with Loren at times weaving back and forth, side to side, down the highway so our adversaries couldn't pass. It was like being part of some old 1950's Teen movie.

       We did make it safely back to Laurel and pulled up in front of the building currently across from the Methodist Church. At the time it was a teen hang-out and roller skating rink owned by Jim Shively.  And, ironically this building was where my Grandpa Smith also operated a restaurant and pool hall in the early 20th Century! 


       I love reading articles about new innovations of any kind that may change "whatever" dramatically in this old world. The following was one I found in the Des Moines Register yesterday morning. (11/22/2017.)

       The jest of the article had to do with Nissan's Infiniti announces gas-engine breakthrough. Their technology provides more power and better fuel efficiency by varying the distance traveled by the pistons within each cylinder depending on driving conditions. 

        To me, it is good when it looks like the electric car is probably here to stay and therefore makers of the internal- combustion engine feels the need for a better product. Competition is always good. It's worth sticking around as long as one can, to watch and be a part of CHANGE!



          This morning, Thansgiving Day, (11/23/2017) while on my morning walk I found near the high school parking lot a playing card face up and the Six of Diamonds. I picked it up and decided if that particular card had any meaning.

       One source indicated---"Assures steady progress as you continue to move forward, you will be recognized for all you have achieved. Enjoy this time of peace while it lasts and make the most of it."

          Or,----maybe it just means I just happen to pick up a playing card from a parking lot. If anything else, it gave my walk a little added zip!


        Yesterday for some unknown reason, I was doing a little cleaning and  used some "Sparkle" on some Fiesta treasures that I have displayed. One of my memories is an old white dinner Fiesta plate that was terribly scratched. 

          It is a reminder for me that my mom always said that her old Fiesta dishes were to be used and not just to sit around to be admired! Plus, this plate is white and probably one of the least desired colors. 

        I decided to use some Soft Scrub on it to see if I could make a few of the scratches disappear. I had heard long time ago that trick would work, but, just never tried it on my treasured white plate. It worked.

           Not all the scratches and blemishes are entirely gone, but, at least 100% better. It now sits in its display easel with more pride! Why did I wait so long! 

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


      ------I colored the grass red!   I'm also a home body. The only walking I do is around a Monopoly board!------------from Bob Newhart Show while roasting George. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


        Yesterday morning while out for my morning walk, I spotted a yellow canary sporty convertible with a "white" top. It just didn't look right. This is just me, but, if you're going to buy a sporty rag-top, don't do white at least with yellow. My choice would be tan or Camel color. Maybe if you're a Hawkeye black might work, but, not white!


       In the Letters to the Editor section of the Des Moines Register there was a letter about Hy-Vee closing or scaling back on its attempt at that market. Years ago they attempted a men's clothing line and failed. 

          It did remind me that many times restaurants keep offering many additional types of foods to attempt to please more customers. Whether it's Hy-Vee  or Taylor's Maid-Rite, stick to what you do best-- selling groceries or making a very good sandwich period!


       My sister, Deborah, had a piece on Facebook about not being able to find decorative Thanksgiving table napkins. It just reminded me how I have never cared for them as in my opinion they were never absorbent due to the print,etc.

          It did remind me of a full service gas station years ago on the northeast corner of South Center and old highway 30 in Marshalltown, Iowa. In the late 1990's, I went there on ocassion for lunch as they had good burgers and they played "Oldies!"

        One thing that I thought was clever was just putting out on each booth and table a big role of white paper towels. I will be the first to admit that a big role of Brawny or Bounty would not go over well at a beautifully set Holiday table or 5 Star Bistro. But, it was nice to never anyone for another napkin and if you tend to be a little messy like myself, it was ingenious! 

Sunday, November 19, 2017


        By now, most people in to R&R, are aware of the passing of AC/DC co-founder Malcolm Young. I got into their music not until the 1990's. Even though they would be considered "hard" Rock, I enjoyed them and watching, Angus Young, strut on stage in school boy outfits with shorts.

        I always get goose bumps while attending Iowa Hawkeye football games and watching the team slowly walking out of the tunnel to the AC/DC hit Back in Black! And, until reading the article, I didn't know that the album with Back in Black was world's best selling behind Michael Jackson's Thriller!


      It's always been a bit of a mystery that through the years, that my favorite all-time comfort sandwich has been, of which I savored just last night, loose meat hamburger on white bread with chopped onion and plain ketchup. I would give it very strong consideration if on death row and my last meal!

         Even though while at Taylor's Maid-Rite in Marshalltown,(Worlds Best) I would never think about having that sandwich with ketchup! Never! I guess it's one of those things that was made at home and that is how I still enjoy it at home and nowhere else! 


     I keep pitching for Seniors to write personal and family related stories. I truly believe that it is just if not more important than leaving material things or pictures to future generations. 

        The one argument I hear most often is that "I don't write very well." That's not that important. Just write a memorable story the best way you can and as you would tell it. Who cares about where comas should go or proper writing etiquette. What is important is letting your loved ones hear your voice through your precious words.  


        This wasn't my week-end for sports. I attended the State Boys Football finals @ the Uni Dome to watch the local Williamsburg Raiders loss big time and then had to witness a horrible game with my Hawkeyes losing to Purdue. I was happy for my old classmate and friend, Jerry Roberts. His nephew coaches for Van Meter and they beat Regina of Iowa City in the class 1A finals earlier that day.

        Losses like the above used to really bother me in my younger days especially the Hawks. But, somewhere along the way I mellowed and now just brush it off and know that tomorrow will always come. I'm now remembering what my mother used to say. "Dennis, somebody has to win and somebody has to lose." Wise woman!


        Yesterday, 11/18/20`17, I drove over to Belle Plaine for a Saturday morning household auction. I should have stayed home. I have to say it was the worst display of "stuff" that I have ever witnessed at any auction in my lifetime. 

         Everything seemed to be worn out, not even close to being in fair to good condition. Two thirds was just old mechanical  tools. I kept looking for that "Diamond in the Rough" but, it didn't seem to appear. Usually there is something I have to anxiously await it's turn before giving it a bid. Not today.

         There was a brass blow torch that seemed sort of cool. And, to my disappointment a guy bought it for $2.50. I may have been there for 20 minutes, but, it just seemed longer. There will be another day!

Friday, November 17, 2017


      Yesterday afternoon, I treated myself by buying a box of Chef Boyardee Pizza Maker. Lately, I have been having a small pepperoni pizza from our local Pizza Haus right here in Williamsburg, Iowa. Thank goodness I like it as well if not better than my life long favorite---Zeno's in Marshalltown, Iowa. 

         But, yesterday, I just had a hankering for my original "home" pizza that my mom made for us back in the late 1950's and/or early 1960's. I was not disappointed. The Ol' Chef still has a certain taste that I still savor after many many decades. I did add a little extra mozzarella cheese and lots of pepperoni. That "special meal" ended way too soon! Here's to next time!  



"Last night I called this XXX phone number and the lady that answered said she had a HEADACHE!"--------Johnny Carson monologue on Tonite Show. 1980's

Thursday, November 16, 2017


        You're right! I have too much time on my hands. But, for the second time in little over a week my total grocery bill ran right at $2.00 per item. I counted the items before they were checked out and I had right at 20 items. My bill was $39.00 and change. I know it's not any way to necessarily save money, but, at least if I'm getting close to reaching my budget, I better rethink the rest of my list!  

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


          In the Opinion page of the Des Moines Register on 11/15/2017, was guest column by J.D. Gordon, a foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump during the 2016 Presidential Campaign. The article title was "Trump camp is too disorganized to collude."

          The one comment I really loved was---"Meanwhile President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions are victims of colossal gotcha games. Thousands of people told them countless things. Albert Einstein  probably couldn't remember every comment from relative strangers a year earlier." AMEN!


Tuesday, November 14, 2017


        During Halloween time, I enjoyed a few old scary movies including "Halloween" starring Jamie Lee Curtis when she was still a teenager and of course the "monster character" Michael along with seeing a lot of other monsters like Jason or Freddie Krueger.

         It got me thinking about all the monsters that lurked all around me when I was a kid. I have written about how scary the basement was when growing up including our upstairs and attic. For some reason my "monsters" never really had a face. 

           They never were creepy and scraggly old men or some kind or vicious animals or even an alien from outer space. They never had a face. I just knew they were out there and maybe it was a good thing I never did encounter one! Maybe it was always like a dream--As long as you always wake up! 

           P.S. Like some kids, I never worried about a monster hanging out under my bed. My bed spread never hung down very far and I could always see under there most of the time!

Monday, November 13, 2017


       This past Saturday morning, I attended, for the first time, an antique/collectible estate auction in Wellman, Iowa near Kalona, Iowa. I really liked the layout of the facility, the seating arrangement, selection of the items, and especially the Auctioneer-Dwight Duwa. It was a pleasant experience and I hope to return again, even though this time I deliberately left my cash and check book to home. 

         After seeing someone munching on a "Kolachi." I should have just looked! I went out to the lunch stand and requested a cheery filled Czech treat. Too much dough for me and not enough cherry. 

       I been spoiled with my own cherry filled pastry. On occasion, I buy a tube of Pillsbury crescent rolls, form a square of two or four together, fill them with Wilderness pie filling, mix in some cream cheese, roll and bake. I shouldn't even be giving out this tip because it may be illegal somewhere. Oh well. I guess it's always good to try something new! 


       This past week-end, I drove to Coralville, Iowa and took in my morning discounted movie. I had looked forward to my selection--"Murder on the Orient Express." I was somewhat disappointed, but, what else is new! It won't stop me and I'm sure as the Holiday's get closer the selection hopefully will become better.    
        I mis-read the start time and arrived about 45 minutes early. One usual observation was watching people buying the "JUMBO" of mostly pop and pop-corn. The real deal on pop was a 44 ounce size for $7.50 with a re-fill.Profit! Profit!  Another jumbo treat for the movie fans was the huge tub of popcorn for only $8.50!

        I think I figured it out that for that money, concerning the pop-corn, I could buy my usual bagged 32 oz. yellow kernel for under $2.00 a bag, and enjoy a large bowl three times a week every evening for better than a month! I became disciplined from the get go on my morning movie, to never buy anything at the concession stand. Zip! The key is to eat a descent breakfast and look forward to a good Sunday dinner later on.  To steal a famous movie line---"I don't need no stinkin popcorn!" 

Friday, November 10, 2017


        Frankly I am way behind sick and tired of those commercials about "MY PILLOW." But, I know they have had success and I know of a family member who has purchased them and as far as I know enjoy the pillow.

         For me, I swear by my old(needing to be re-ticked) feather filled pillows that I can squish in to shape depending on head position. The key for me through many many years has been my little old decorative pillow. 

       As I sleep on my side I use my small stiff pillow to keep me from rolling and twisting my back and keeping it pretty straight with the support of that "green gem." Most evenings I sleep like a baby and never have awaken with a sore or aching back. If it's not broken don't fix it.


      Telling my own story about low sun in the fall showing places missed with my dusting duties, reminded me of a funny story about my mom and the mirror. Anyone that knew my mom knew how fastidious she was at cleaning. 

    Anyway, years ago she had a dresser and mirror in the master bedroom. And, this time of year when the sun was very low and streaming in the bedroom it would shine directly on this mirror late in the afternoon.

       With the direct sun, the mirror always looked pretty bad. Mom tried all kinds of ways to clean it as she thought it was just streaked and smudged from not cleaning it properly. She tried all kinds of concoctions including vinegar and ammonia, etc. 

      I tried to convince her that it wasn't her cleaning, but, that the mirror being so old had become "defective" with time and the sun just pointed it out. I was never sure that I convinced her of that fact, but, at her expense was a cute story I will always treasure! 


"A goal is a dream with a deadline!"

Thursday, November 9, 2017


        Today I went to the grocery store and stocked up on my usual 10 to a two week food provisions. Something I hadn't done for a long time is a game I play while checking out. First, I count the items purchased and the multiply it by $2.00. 

         I used to do this when I was way younger and would multiply the items by $1.00. It seems like by just averaging all the items, I could simply calculate how much my bill would be. And, believe it or not I would usually be within a couple of dollars.

         I mentioned to the check out lady what I was doing and I'm sure she thought I was Nuts. Sure enough! I had 23 items and multiplied it by the number $2.00.  Lo and Behold the total came out to $46.62. I had said before she totaled it up that my "scientific" guess would be $45.00. I think I made a believer out of her! Try it sometime!


       This morning at the Post Office, I mentioned to one of the employees that the heavy morning wind was blowing leaves all over my freshly and diagonally mowed yard. She just shot back to just "LEAF" them alone and they would eventually blow on to Nebraska or somewhere far away!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


    Don't get me wrong about Fall. It is my favorite time of year bar none. Football, the colors, and  the crisp sunny days. One thing I don't like about Fall has always been when in the early morning or late afternoon is being blinded by that sun if your driving into it.

        But, I just discovered one minor thing, especially after setting our clocks back. I have windows to the west and when that sun is streaming in the late afternoon I can easily see places on some of my furniture pieces that I missed with the dusting rag. 

          My hard wood floors don't seem quite as clean as I thought they were along with smudges on my antique copper top coffee table. I normally just try to ignore it and wait till evening, which comes earlier, and just enjoy the cozy magic with the help of strategic lighting. Maybe I just need to pull those blinds by noon! 

Monday, November 6, 2017


      Overheard recently---"What do you get when you cross a termite and a praying mantis?" "An insect that says grace before EATING YOUR HOUSE!"


         With all the hub-bub about tax reform lately, one issue that has some up in arms is capping the deduction for mortgage interest to $500,000. This really got me to thinking about the whole "Home Size" issue.

        When I started selling real estate back in the late 1970's the average new home was give or take around 1,200 square feet. By the early 1980's it had gone up to the 2,000 sq. ft. range. Then as time went on homes got bigger while family size diminished. 

         There were homes built after WWII that were less than a 1,000 sq. ft. and were occupied by a family of 5 or more. A lot of the monster homes built later were occupied by an average of 4 or less. A lot of people I know today are living in homes that only a third or less used daily. And, of the unused area, family coming home to visit is a rarity. 

        I'm not a big global warming advocate, but, it seems like we have and are becoming "Gluttons" not only in the size of our homes, but, in the amount of energy we use in heating and cooling these homes.

         And, our tax laws are already allowing this constant hike in size with deductions in interest and property taxes, and paying capital gains if we do try to down size unless it's your last purchase. Along with just plain ego for some and currently very low interest rates the trend will no doubt continue.

          Maybe we should think about another way to safely put our money somewhere besides our home. It seems like the way we are headed, the day will come for another big "real estate bubble burst" or maybe we're heading like in the days of Merry Old England when the huge castles could no longer be maintained and taxes afforded.  

         Let's hope that the day of the "Perfect Storm" never comes. A spike in interest rates, big increase in utility costs and/or a down-turn in population growth. Also, maybe it would be cheaper to put your visiting family up in a hotel?

Saturday, November 4, 2017


       The other day, while grocery shopping, one of the items I needed was coffee. For some reason by not paying attention closely, I picked up a can of the right brand, but, not the right flavor. It was Hazlenut, I believe. 

         I don't know how or why I did it, I just did. And, until I go to the store again, I'll live with that La-De-Da taste. You have to understand like a lot of us old time coffee drinkers, we like it plain and black.

         About, the only time I enjoy a cup of "fancy" coffee is when traveling on occasion. I will enjoy one of those fancy coffees very dark, some cream, and that shot of "whipped cream" on top and will tolerate that outrageous price! In the meantime for now, I'll live!  


        Yesterday, while in Marshalltown, I stopped into a local fast food joint to pick up some lunch for my sister Doris and I.  While I waited for my number to come up on my take-out, I witnessed a very touching and heartwarming encounter. 

        This fellow was ahead of me and standing near the counter patiently waiting for his turn. When he received his tray of food he went over to his wife and a nearby table. She was also patiently waiting and sitting there in a wheelchair. 

      He sat down and carefully and slowly opened a wrapper of a sandwich, placed a napkin on his wife's front area, and gently fed to her the first bite. Then, again, patiently waited for her to chew her food before giving her another bite. 

         It was touching to me, at least so it appeared, that there was such love, caring and patience on her husband's behalf and she was not visibly irritated or annoyed by any of his actions. It made me somewhat sad, but, it was so heartwarming to witness such love and devotion!   


      I had plans today that included mowing the lawn one last time with a diagonal design, car wash, my daily power walk, some uptown window washing and maybe just a little basking while listening to the Clones or Hawks football. 

       To my surprise, I opened my front door and it was overcast with alight steady drizzle! Part of me was disappointed and part of me was saying "Hurrah!" I do enjoy, and maybe I shouldn't admit it, days like today when you just have to stay in and loaf to a certain extent!

       If the rain lets up and the sun comes out by noon, then I will feel guilty if I don't go out side and do something or maybe not! I did put on my rain gear and go for my morning walk and enjoyed it immensely!


       I got a chuckle out of the sign outside of Taylor's Maid-Rite this past Friday. It acknowledged the "Jean Seberg Festival" being held, I assume, this week sometime and somewhere.  I'm sure a lot of you that are maybe the age of 50, 60, or younger would even know who she was.  

           Winterset, Iowa was the birth place of John Wayne a more well known actor and I'm sure they have a Festival of some kind in his honor. I guess know matter how big or small the celebrity, it is at least a good reason to have "party" and hopefully it will bring in a little extra business for the local community and for some a trip down memory lane!


Friday, November 3, 2017


       If you have been watching Main Stream cable networks--ie: NSNBC/CNN you would think all that Trump election team had time to do was talk to Russians, go to Russia, or have Russians visiting here. It's a miracle they had time to do anything else like winning the election. Oh, that's right! The Russians helped win it!

Thursday, November 2, 2017


       Periodically, I drive a friend from here in  Williamsburg to Iowa City for a doctor's appointment or rarely some shopping. This past week it was a little shopping. 

        We first stopped at a engine repair shop near the Little Amana exit and then off to a Theisen's in Coralville and also a nearby Walmart. When we first started out at the engine repair shop, something popped into my head. I said so it sounds like we are going to be gallivanting. 

         I do enjoy being able to help out someone, on occasion,  who is unable to drive due to health issues. I really enjoyed just going out with a good guy on a Thursday afternoon and indulging in a little "Gallivanting!"  


       Yesterday morning I ran into our local Dollar General store for a couple of things needed. While there two different female employees addressed me as "honey" and "sweetie.!" I have always hated when someone such as a clerk would refer to even another lady as especially "Honey!"

        But, I guess I should be happy they didn't refer to me as "Young Fellow or Man!" That really gets me steaming. I guess I should be happy with the Sweetie reference as it's better than "How're ya doing you old fogy" or worse!