Thursday, March 2, 2017


        Most memories we have are usually bigger than life, but, the front yard where I grew up on a farm was really big and wide. The wide poured concrete sidewalk started at the ditch that connected the gravel road that went by our house. The sidewalk divided a basically flat bluegrass yard and continued up to the front of the house and wrapped itself all the way to around back and beyond. 

        The north half of the yard was perfect for hours of enjoyment playing croquet by family. My mother loved playing the game and played to win. That beautiful yard provided many good times by family, cousins, playmates, and classmates alike.

      Some of my earliest memories are ones of riding my tricycle out to the end of the sidewalk ending at the front ditch. Then, turning around and going all the way back past "the cave" to my tractor tire sand pile and on occasion my imaginary friend. 

       Then back again, just like a teenager scooping the loop. It was my turf. The price I paid, as I got older was mowing all that "turf!" It could easily kill a day if mowing all at once. And no, we didn't have "no stinkin" riding mower. Your legs did the walking!

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