Saturday, March 11, 2017


       I helped a lady out with her groceries this past Friday at the Burg Grocery that made a point of letting us all know that she was in her late 70's, and, was still active with her 80 plus year old husband on their Century Farm.

       When we got to her vehicle and opening the rear door, I noted her brand new "pitch fork." She had been in Iowa City and had just purchased it. I had to ask her if SHE really used it and if she used it to pitch stuff that most people would find offensive. The answer was yes on both accounts!

        What a woman! My own mother always told the`story that when she got married to my dad and lived on a farm that she wouldn't drive a tractor or other words do farm work per say. She never did! I always thought she was tough for all she did for the time. Ha!`  

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