Sunday, March 5, 2017


     We all possess treasures of some kind and intend to pass them on to family or loved ones. A lot of us assume that we have told the story that goes with that item and we have told it to family and they will all remember where it came from or its significance for ever and ever. 

       I was always grateful that several things passed along to me included a note that went along with the item. An example`is an old quilt given to me my mother. She pinned  with a piece of paper a short narrative about it. 

       Let's face it. By the time some things get passed down a few generations some details like dates or exactly who possessed the item can get forgotten. I haven't moved up to the smart phone yet, but, for those of you who have here is my advice. 

        Line up those treasures and shoot pictures of as many as you think are very important and take them in somewhere and have photos made. Then, write on the back of the picture a short narrative about it and then put it in safe place or give to that special someone.  Don't just   leave them in "cyberspace!" That can get lost in there too!

        This task is on my "bucket list" for yet this year. I have always joked about the fact if we document better where some of our "stuff" comes from, at least it will create some guilt when our kids put it in a garage sale!


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