Saturday, March 11, 2017


         I don't know about you, but, for a long long time, it has amazed or maybe more like intrigued me how close actors have to stand to one another while conversing on TV or even in the movies. I realize that they have to get closer so they can get into the camera range. But, in real life, I can't imagine standing only inches from someone and look them in the eye that close and talk without starting to laugh or worrying about bad breath. It's got to be tough!

        While we're on that line, do you ever find it strange when there is a scene and two people are in a car driving somewhere and the passenger appears to be really sitting near the center of the car and close to the driver. I've noticed weird stuff like that in movies and TV since I was a kid. I used to notice if a cowboy was wearing a different colored shirt in the next scene even though it was the same day! OK, so I need to find a new hobby!


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