Wednesday, March 8, 2017


       There is that old expression about being at the right place at the right time or not sometimes. This one was always good for a great family story. This event happened one night at our house south of Laurel and it involved my Aunt Glatha Laverty, who was visiting for some reason and yours truly, who was trying to catch a "bat" who got loose from our attic and was flying around the upstairs area.

        I managed to get the bat down to the main area and was attempting to get it outside at the same time my Aunt Glatha was leaving. When she saw the  bat flying by her head she immediately gave out this bloodcurdling scream that only she could do. She could have had a part in an old "horror" movie with that outburst! To this day, I can still see her running for her car, hands waving over her head and her chilling scream will never leave my head!

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