Saturday, March 4, 2017


      When I attended Drake University one of my basic business courses was in Economics. I understood most principles of economics--supply, demand, strong dollar, deficits and all the rest. The professor usually had these long complex multiple choice questions that could have you talking to yourself. The bottom line was, I didn't grade very well in the end.

        One remark found in a column this past week in the Des Moines Register left me perplexed. It had to do with whether the Federal Reserve should raise interest rates at this time. The quote was from Fed Reserve Governor Lael Brainard-who has long been a proponent of keeping rates lower for longer-reversed course saying that--"the economy appears to be at a transition and it will be likely be appropriate soon to remove additional accommodation." 

       From that statement. it is hard to determine if he means rates need to be raised or lowered! If I am the only one that has a hard time with statements like that, I either need to stop reading this Mumbo-Jumbo or go back to school! 



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