Tuesday, March 14, 2017


        I wrote how our sports uniforms got cleaned and washed in another story at good old Laurel High. But, I have always wondered  how the entire process is done with college or professional sports.

        I have always wondered how, for example, the University of Iowa deals with the washing or cleaning, if you will, of the dozens of uniforms after a football game. Are the uniforms cleaned individually by player? What kind of detergents are used? If one athlete has an allergy or condition how is that dealt with? How many extra uniforms are available or taken on away games for back-up?

        I know these are things most of us fans should not concern ourselves with, but, I just have one of those inquiring minds, I guess. And, if you just sit on the bench most of the game with just a little sweat, does your uniform get washed? Just wondering!  

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