Sunday, March 19, 2017


       Saturday I drove to Urbandale and met up with my friend and old Laurel classmate for an afternoon get together. We had lunch at the Water Front in West Des Moines and we both agreed that through the years of dining there, we have never had a bad meal. Today was no exception.

       We both had a delicious seafood chowder, while I chose a pan -fried trout and Jerry had a sea-food taco! I know it was St. Patrick's week-end, but, this place was filled with patrons at 11;30 AM. It's nice to know that one of your favorite restaurants is still a success after its original opening in 1984.

         After doing a little site-seeing of newer homes in the outlying suburban neighborhoods, we settled in to watch the Drake-Kansas State NCAA women's basketball game. Then after the game was over we went up to the nearest Tasty Taco location and had my favorite food item that I dearly miss from not living in Des Moines. 

       On the way home to Williamsburg and to put the icing on the cake, I stopped off at the Kellogg exit and had a couple of scoops of the best hard ice-cream at the "Best Burger in Iowa Cafe!"  What a great day! 

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