Tuesday, March 21, 2017


     It was around fifteen years ago, give or take, I found myself and my companion at the New Orleans airport at mid morning. We had attended the New Orleans Jazz Festival and were headed back home. 

       Unfortunately, we had  miscalculated our flight schedule, and should have been back to Chicago by this time in the morning. But, on a positive note, while awaiting to negotiate a new way home with an airline employee, a very pleasant surprise was just ahead of us.

       Just in front of us stood a very "pretty" young lady dressed simply in just a T shirt and blue jeans. When the airline addressed this young beauty with no entourage around, as Miss "BERRY," I knew immediately that it was none other than the movie star Halle Berry! I was speechless! Yes, that's what I said-speechless! 

        I am sure that she was probably there for the Jazz Festival in some capacity. What was cool was to be standing within 1 or 2 feet  of a celebrity of her stature! It was one of those encounters that one never forgets. Lucky me! 


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