Tuesday, March 7, 2017


     By today's standards, my bedroom would have made a monk happy. It wasn't all that big. As a matter of fact it was the smallest of the five upstairs bedrooms in our home. But, it faced south with lots of sunlight from the set of windows that reached across the entire south side of my room complete with a built in sitting bench. I had a great view of our driveway and a quarter mile south so I could detect anyone coming for a visit.

       It had a walk-in closet that wasn't all that large, but, had a window that provided natural light and it also had 1 by 1 slats up high that opened into the adjoining closet for additional natural light. The door into my room had a glass transom above it that could be adjusted for additional light and air flow. That was really cool.

       The decorating was quite simple. A wood head board double bed, nightstand, chest of drawers, unfinished and just varnished, a couple of shag throw rugs on either side of the bed, one western scene paint by numbers picture on the wall. and, a metal oval waste can with college pennants. (A collector's item today) No TV, no computer, and not many clothes hanging in the closet. 

       One thing I did get at some point was an electric blanket. The upstairs wasn't heated in the winter or much. There were mornings were you could wake up and see your breath and with steam coming off the blanket. You didn't waste much time getting dressed and going down-stairs. 

       One fear I had at night on occasion was the doorway and stairs that ascended to the attic. Some nights I swore I could hear noises coming from up there or footsteps. If anyone would have come down from there (they never did) I would have been a goner as the door to my room was on the other side of that attic door and hall!

       Every Saturday morning, I had to clean my room. All clothes hung, bed made, and rugs shook out the window. The hard wood floors were dusted and on occasion the "drill sergeant" would inspect to make sure there no dust bunnies under the bed. It was a simple rule. Room cleaned or not go out on a Saturday night. End of story!  


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