Sunday, March 5, 2017


      This past week there was a letter to the editor in theDes Moines Register entitled "Perspective on the bottle bill from a can scavenger." It had to do with Iowa's incentive to pick up cans wherever they are to be found.

       I have always thought since the bottle bill was enacted many years ago what a good idea to place a 5 cent bounty on cans and bottles as an incentive to return them. And, for some to go out and pick them up. Some states have just a pound amount on cans and I assume bottles. It is hard to relate to something that symbolizes 1/1000 of a pound or whatever. 

       To look down on the ground and see this object that symbolizes a monetary amount is important. And, we can immediately relate to it even if it is a small amount. Years ago when attending football games at Kinnick Stadium(Iowa Hawkeyes) the whiskey bottles and beer cans were laying thick at the conclusion of the game. But, just like a group of piranha, there were all kinds of people swarming around and picking them all up within minutes. Thank goodness they have cracked down on alcohol in the first place.   

        Say what you will about global warming and all the things we don't do, recycling and even picking up a 5 cent can are a couple of the little things that can make a difference!  


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