Sunday, March 12, 2017


                                               THE FRIENDLY SIDE

      First, I will describe the side of our basement that was for most practical purposes a pleasant experience most times. The three rooms on the south half  were not offensive in any way. 

      The southeast room that was under the living room was used pretty much for storing jars of  canned fruit and vegetables. Never went in there very much. The middle room, which was directly under the dining room, was used in the winter to hang clothes to dry and I had an electric train set up in there for some time. I do remember my sister Doris decorating this room for a Halloween Party when she was in high school.

       The southwest room, which set directly under the kitchen, was the basement hub especially on Monday wash day.  My mother had the old wringer washing machine set up in there along with the two rinse tubs. Washing was an all day affair, up and down the stairs to the outside to hang clothes on the line set up northwest of the house with thick gauge wire. 

     Also,  A shower was rigged up in that room. As I got older, a shower was quicker than taking a bath in the tub upstairs. The downside was once you shut off the water after your shower it got cold real quick. You didn't waste time. You dried and headed upstairs. 

        In that same room was a door on the west side leading up with cement stairs to storm doors that laid out at a 20 degree angle or so. We never used it much except to haul larger items up and down. The foundation was incredible for its time. The walls, over 18 inches thick,  and floors were all poured mixed concrete. 

------------coming soon-THE SCARY SIDE! 


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