Tuesday, March 14, 2017


       This past Saturday, I just had to get out of Dodge and decided to drive up and visit my sister Doris. I offered to pick her up and drive to Marshalltown for my favorite sandwich which I hadn't had for a few short months. She didn't feel like getting out so I delivered.

       My only disappointment was that it seems like those Maid-Rites aren't quite as good as if you were actually eating one right there at that counter and stool on 3rd Avenue. The malt also losses some of its thickness and I don't think you get as much in that cardboard go cup. After all, part of the charm of ordering a malt is having, on occasion, the server poring the malt into your glass with precision! There will be a next time, and, besides, my visit with my big sister was what was important! 

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