Monday, September 28, 2015


      Sitting on the east side and looking directly into the sun reminded me of years ago when I took my oldest grandson, Christian Michael, to his first Iowa Hawkeye football game. He was only six or seven possibly and came up on a Friday night and stayed at my place when I lived on Linn Street in Marshalltown.

     Christian had brought with him this really cool all black outfit to wear to the game. We had breakfast at a café on east Main in Marshalltown and then headed out to Iowa City. That morning it was overcast with a light rain.

      Most of the first half of the game it was just cloudy and cool. By halftime the sun came out and it was also quite humid. In no time Christian yelled out that he was burning up. That all black outfit now wasn't as cool. No pun intended. I told him to just take of his shirt and he would be OK. That was a good lesson. Don't wear your favorite black outfit to a Hawkeye game on a sunny warm early fall day. 

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