Saturday, September 19, 2015


      "Atlantic Cod Loins Wild Caught China!" This is what I found on a label of frozen od that I was considering purchasing recently at the old Burg Grocery. First of all, it doesn't take a world geography wiz to know that China and Atlantic don't belong in the same sentence. I know, it probably means that China now is fishing in the Atlantic just like we fish all over the world, I guess!

      Then to call it Loins! That seems like a bit of over kill. We already knows that it is fish by the word Cod. Why not fillet? Then, I am not real comfortable buying something from China- especially food. Do you trust the Chinese? Or Russia? I know, I go back to the Cold War era of "Commies" and all that kind of thinking.

      I'll check out the fresh fish at the meat market in Hy-Vee while I am in Marshalltown next week. Hopefully, it won't be labeled as frozen is and at least I can pretend it was caught by an American just off the coast of Alaska!

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