Sunday, September 20, 2015


     The other day an older lady like me was checking out at the Burg Grocery. Both the check out clerk and myself forgot to ask her if she wanted paper or plastic for her groceries. I started putting them in plastic as 90% of customers request it.

      When the customer barked out that she wanted paper, it dawned on me who we were dealing with. I knew I was going to be scolded when I got out to her car, so I was prepared. Where I usually come back like a cornered mountain lion is when a customer can't even be nice about it.

     Right on cue, I was told to use paper next time and I reminded her to speak up right from the start as we forget sometimes and most customers do request plastic. That seemed to shock her. Then she mentioned that paper HAD to be used with bread so as not to smash it. I was ready for that one. No, I replied, you can gently lay bread in a plastic sack and it won't smash.

     I know the customer is supposed to be always right, but, again just because you are elderly does not give you the right to be nasty! If you read about me and a new job you will know what happened to me!

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