Monday, September 28, 2015


      Recently, I overheard a couple of mothers in the Burg Grocery complaining about the school lunch program and how their kids can't survive the day without "better" food. We all know that the intent was to get kids to eat healthier.

      It got me to thinking about the school lunch program when I was a kid way back in the 1950's and early 1960's. I liked our program. But, there were mothers and kids complaining then and no matter what is served there probably will always be complaints.

     I always looked forward to Mondays. One week hot dogs were served and usually then the next Monday was followed up with loose beef sandwiches. We had things like goulash and I always remember when they had apple crisp. After some of the Catholic kids came over from Haverhill when that school was closed I did get to like fish sticks.

       And, in the afternoons , we went down to the lunch room and enjoyed unsweetened orange juice and/or milk along with an occasional cookie. Life wasn't bad.

       Today like then, the problem really isn't what is served at school as much as what kids are getting at home. With obesity and diabetes skyrocketing overall something needs to be done. I am not sure the lunch program at school should get all the blame.   


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