Sunday, September 13, 2015


     Unless you are from another state or planet, you are aware that the Big Rivalry Game was played yesterday between the Hawkeyes and the Cyclones! Fortunately, for me the right team won. Although, I was prepared for a loss after a lot of  years finally getting the point that someone is going to win and somebody will lose to quote my mother. Yes, Sunday morning will come no matter what happens on the grid-iron the day before.

       My Chicago Cubs won both games in a double hitter against the Phillies on Friday night. Even though they lost to them on Saturday night, it was an exciting game and the good news is they are only 5 or 6 games behind St. Louis in the Central Division of the National League.

     Also, Saturday night while flipping channels and catching some college football here and there, one of my favorite all time movies was being shown on a local channel-FARGO! The 1997 Academy Award winner is one of the funniest and brutal movies ever made. Ya! You Betcha!

      With a little luck, the Cubs will pull out a win against the last game of the series with the Phillies. If not, it doesn't matter as we are going to beautiful Kent Park for a picnic later this afternoon on this absolutely beautiful fall day! 

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