Tuesday, September 15, 2015


      A lady the other day at the Burg Grocery was mentioning that she was having trouble sleeping at night. I couldn't resist in giving her my sure way of dozing right off.

     There is a program on a cable station HLN which is entitled "Forensic Files." It is a half hour show which solves murders through forensic techniques. The narrator has a pleasant voice and you really don't have to watch it, but, simply turn over and treat it like you are listening to the radio. I am usually asleep within 5 or 10 minutes.

      Two other voices I always thought would be good to have on tape to go to sleep by would be Mr. Rogers , of course, and the Friendly Painter-Bob Ross. Remember him? He had such a low soothing voice as he told you just where he was going to place that little pine tree by the lake.

      Even sitting in a chair in the afternoon, I would be out like a light in no time! You don't need no stinking sleeping pills! Good night!

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