Saturday, September 19, 2015


      Recently I heard two young ladies at the Burg Grocery talking about pictures of children that they need to do something with that they have stored on their smart phones. It really got my old thoughts reeling about the different age we are in concerning "taking pictures" today.

       In my time we took pictures with our instant camera or fancier 35 mm and when we shot a roll of 24 or 36 film , we took it to a location such as drug or photo shop to be developed. We made the decision as to how many of each we wanted, etc.

     We could from there give special ones to family. We also would have a package of photos done at school by some professional and distributed to family. I just recently took old family photos from as far back as the early 1900's and put a family album together. I went through hundreds of family photos that I have saved for years.

      Today, it seems that people are taking more photos, but, are sharing them with others through the likes of Facebook. That's fine, but, just not the same. Hopefully the person taking the pictures will or has downloaded them occasionally and put them into a book of some kind.

      I suppose there is no difference between today and years ago. Some people will be very good at keeping up with utilizing all the technology techniques in putting photos in albums and passing them along to family members to put into frames and on  the old refrigerator. And, just like yesterday when we left pictures lying in boxes, there will be those today leaving them lying in pieces of technology! 

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