Tuesday, September 8, 2015


      A lady came into the Burg Grocery today and was feeling good about her recent retirement after 43 years working for Iowa County. Her big relief was not having to constantly look at her watch and be concerned about getting something done in time. 

        I could relate to that when I had my own business.  I was constantly checking my watch and always having the feeling of just not having enough time.  My only job in my lifetime where the time never seemed to move was when I was an underwriter for an insurance company and a desk job. That was not enjoyable.

      Time overall seems to be actually going by much too fast now, but, the nice thing for me is on most days I still get up early get lots of things done in the AM hours and then coast in the PM. Yes, I mean some days that includes a nap! So shoot me.

      One nice thing now is since I do the cooking and do enjoy it, I have plenty of time to plan the meals, google up recipes and on most days prepare the meal without any undo stress. Unless of course, I am notified at the last minute about a grand-child's sporting event. That throws me off a little!

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