Tuesday, September 8, 2015


      Years ago during the Hayden Fry era  and while attending many many football games in Kinnick Stadium, I used to joke that this was where I hoped to enjoy my last day on this planet. Yes Sir! While watching my favorite team from my season ticket seat, one could only hope that if the "big one" came it would be right here in Iowa City while cheering the Hawks on!

      At 71 years old, I am thinking a little different. This past Saturday and the Hawks first game against Illinois State, this fan watched it at home in the comfort of air-conditioning, big screen TV, and a comfortable sofa. That 90 plus degree heat with 120 degree temp on the playing field changed my mind a little. For some reason heat affects me a little different now? 

      Besides, even if I did check out while cheering them on in sheer comfort, and they were worth cheering about, it would be a little easier for the boys to pick me up in that big white truck right here in Williamsburg. Why spoil someone's good time at the stadium. And, let's face it, I want to stick around to watch them beat the Clones and lots of other teams. There will be cooler days and lots more cheering at Kinnick ahead.

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