Friday, August 22, 2014


This past Tuesday, 8/19/2014, My good life long friend and class-mate, Jerry Roberts, and I attended an I-Cubs baseball game at Sec Taylor Stadium in Des Moines. It was a beauiful day for a baseball game, sunny, on the warm side,  a typical Iowa summer day. We normally try to get in a couple of games a season as we both enjoy baseball and the admission price is extremely reasonable for this level of baseball. (Triple A) Our seats were in the shade with a gentle breeze and right on the first base side. Couldn't get better!

Despite the I-Cubs losing, the game was full of action and we witnessed, Manny Rameriz hit a one on home-run.( Manny was a major player for the Boston Red Socks for many years. Des Moines should consider itself very fortunate to have such a beautiful facility and from most seats  a fantastic view of the city, especially the State Capitol building.

When we left the game and arrived back to Jerry's home in Urbandale, he graciously gave me a couple of tomatoes from his garden. When I got home the following evening I had one with my two ears of sweet corn. It doesn't get any better than this. 

Slicing this tomato and getting ready to savour and enjoy, you would think I had just opened a bottle of expensive wine and I was this connoisseur ready to take in the aroma or bouquet of a  rare French wine. I slowly tapped a little sugar on the first slice and enjoyed. What a delight. This what a tomato should taste like.

Why can't "they" produce a tomato commercially with a rich anf juicy taste of this home grown tomato. Why I ask? Then it dawns on me that only possibly my generation cares about the taste. After all, who really these days sits and eats a sliced tomato either just plain or with a little salt or like myself with a little sugar.

Most people today are using them to make salsa, pizza sause, taco sause or using a slice for a BLT. Well, I will always keep searching and enjoying that "perfect tomato." Maybe I just need to get off my duff and raise my own!

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