Thursday, August 21, 2014


She was born on September 3rd, 1913 at approx. 6am at 5 lbs. 3 oz. and was the oldest of identical twin daughters. The youngest, Dorothy Fay, was born immediately there-after and died of pnemonia on April 8th, 1914. (As a foot-note Doris May died on April 8th, 2003 in her home in Melbourne, Iowa prior to mid-night. But, by the time an ambulance was summoned and she was taken to the hospital in Marshalltown and then declared deceased, the official date of death was stated as April 9th, 2003) 

The parents were Henry and Minnie Smith and the twins were born on the David Smith farm(her grandfather) one mile east and three miles north of Laurel, Iowa. The twins were deliverd by Dr. Cowgil who came by horse-back and the mid-wife was Emma Fenders. The temperature that day reached 103 degrees.

She first attended school in Ferguson, Iowa and then when her parents moved to Laurel in March of 1921 attended Laurel Consolidated School from at least the time the original school was built in 1922. She graduated from Laurel in 1931, but, did attend 8th grade at Grinnell, Iowa.

When the family moved to Laurel in 1921, her dad  operated a resturant and pool hall for most of the time they lived in Laurel. He also delivered monies from the bank in Laurel to a bank in Marshalltown and made the 12 mile journey in a horse and buggy armed wth revolver.(As the story has been told by May)

The family moved to Grinnell in 1926 while the oldest son, Vernon, attended Grinnell College for one year and returned in 1927. Henry remained in Laurel to maintain his business and visited the rest of the family,( mother Minnie, oldest daughter Vivian, and youngest brother Arnold) on occasion by train.

Her school activities included the likes of History and English which she excelled, also, Geometry and Agriculture.(from 10th grade report card) She never missed a day while in high school nor did the other three children. Remarkable! 

She was involved in Declamatory(speech) events, school plays, musical groups and basketball. On one clipping from high-school, she had scored 29 points against nearby Melbourne. At that time girls played a "Three Court Style" of basketball. It was changed in 1938 to six on six style and later in the 1970's to men's style played on a full court. *One story told by Doris May was while traveling to a tournament in Centerville, Iowa by train, it had hit an automobile and a person was killed. * Another story goes that someone from the opposing team had spiked their teams beverages as to make them a little groggy. 
It should also be noted in her senior year she was elected secretary of the class officers. She graduated then in May of 1931.

*On December 1st, 1932 she was married to William John Laverty in Rock Island, Illinois.....  to be continued.

**Story contribution by Doris Yvonne Laverty (Eddy).   

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